October Baby is a story of feeling lost or something big is missing from your life. As well, it is about finding that something amongst what you had all along. Eric Wilson creates characters that we can laugh with, cry with, and learn to see through new eyes with. He has created a heart-felt story out of a difficult topic, and he has done it very well.
Hannah Lawson is a university student who has grown up with many medical issues. From frail bones and hip surgeries to severe asthma, Hannah's body has been through a lot. After passing out during a play, Hannah finds out that her parents had adopted her as an infant. But even more surprising is the fact that she was born after a failed abortion. To find out that her birth mother didn't want to keep her was one thing, but she wasn't even supposed to be alive. What would someone do in this position? How do you react?
After some inventive ideas from a creative character named Truman, Hannah's best friend Jason comes up with the final persuasion to get her to come along on a Spring Break trip to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Jason points out that Mobile, Alabama, Hannah's birth place, is on the travel route. This may be a way to get answers for her questions about her birth mother.
This journey is one of Hannah finding out important information, but also the other characters along for the ride. What each one discovers about themselves helps towards the final scenes for Hannah. This is an important self discovery for Hannah, and the story itself has some wonderful messages on trust, love, and forgiveness.
I enjoyed October Baby very much. I think it is a great read that brings a softer light to a heavy topic. It is subtle in its Christian perspective and would be great for the non-Christian reader. I also look forward to viewing the movie that this book is based on to get a visual perspective of the story.
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