Saturday, 6 January 2018

A New Year to Make Amends

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As you all know, I have had a less than stellar ability to keep up with all my book reviews. With lots of reasons, as well as excuses, I could gain sympathy I am sure. But I don't want sympathy. I want to make amends for my huge backlog for those authors and books that have patiently waited for me to put up or shut up.

Well Hello 2018! What better way to start the year than with my shame converted into a challenge. I rarely can say no to a challenge, and I very rarely am beat by one. So I challenge myself to review one review copy per month that has waited far too long in my TBR pile. It will barely make a dent but it is the beginning of making amends for authors having to wait so long. I really do want to read all these books - reasons and excuses would normally follow but I will instead say that I will do my best to alter my tardiness while making some good review reading to any followers that have stuck by me.

Thank you to Herding Cats for creating the 2018 Blogger Shame Challenge so bloggers like me can begin to hit that TBR pile and make some patient authors a little happier.

Let the challenge begin!

Experience 2018 with Beyond My Bookshelf!

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